Sweet Potato Fries

I don’t believe there are many people who doesn’t reach for the bowl of French fries when it’s places on the table. However, this classic snack has now got a strong competitor – in my opinion at least! This recipe challenging the sweetness from tis fries with a smokiness and grounding herbs. A healthier version baked in the oven without too much oil but still crispy.


2 medium size sweet potatoes
1/3 cup rice flour
2 teaspoon smoked paprika
2 teaspoon pink salt
1 teaspoon grounded garlic
1 small handful rosemary


  1. Preheat the oven on 225 degrees on grill setting
  2. Wash, peel and cut the sweet potato in even cuts
  3. Place the sweet potato cuts in a bowl and top up with water until all covered. Let it stand for 30 min
  4. Take out the potato from the water bath and pet dry with a clean tea towel
  5. In a separate bowl add the spice, flour and salt.
  6. Add the sweet potato to the bowl and toss around so everything is covered
  7. Place baking paper on a tray and place the potatoes one by one. Sprinkle the rosemary on top
  8. Place the try in the oven and bake on 30-40 degrees
  9. Take out the tray and turn all the fries, followed by dressing your fries with olive oil.
  10. Before putting them back into the oven, change the setting to fan
  11. Watch them carefully while the crisp up. This will only take a few minutes and can turn in a second

    Enjoy your fries as a side dish or on their own with a yummy dip!

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