Pumpkin spiced Chia Pudding

A cold and dark October day needs a delicious Pumpkin Spiced Chia Pudding. Filled with flavours and topped up with salted caramel sauce. Perfect as dessert or maybe a cheeky breakfast.

GF    DF   V   VG


Coconut yogurt
Vanilla extract
2 teaspoons Chia Seeds
2 apples
½ cup nut milk
Honey (optional)
Coconut oil

Pumpkin Spice Mix
4 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cloves
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg


  1. Peel the apples and remove the seed house, then chop them up in small dices.
  2. Put coconut oil in a pot and place on medium heat. Add your apples to the pot
  3. Mix the spices together
  4. When the apples have soften, lower the heat and add the spices mix. Cook for a few more minutes until all the apples are covered with flavours.
  5. Next step is to add the nut milk and honey. Let it all cook together on low heat for 8-10 min, then let put to the side to cool off
  6. Mix together vanilla extract, chia seeds with coconut yogurt. Place the cooked apples in the bottom of a jar, followed by the chia yogurt and top it all up with the salted caramel sauce.
  7. Done!

P.S You’ll find the recipe for the sauce under Salted Caramel Sauce in previous post.

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