Salted Caramel Sauce

What would a desert be without a sauce on the top? Caramel is delicious to have with banana ice cream, warm fruit or chia pudding. The salty touch help to balance out the sweetness perfectly.

GF   DF   V   VG


15 pitted dates
1 cup coconut milk (cashew nut milk works as well)
1 tablespoon coconut sugar
Pink salt



1.Start by adding coconut milk and dates to a pot and place on medium heat.
2. When the milk is close to boil, lower the temperature and let it cook for 15-20 min. Remember to stir occasionally
3. The mixture should now get a brown colour. Now add coconut sugar and salt after taste. Stir on the heat for a couple of more minutes
4. Take the pot off the heat and let it cool down before putting the sauce in a blender.
5. When the consistency is smooth, place the sauce in a glass jar and store in the fridge. Done!

If you don’t have a blender, try to break the dates with a spoon while they are cooking. It won’t be a smooth sauce but it works and the taste still yummy.


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