A bit of self exploring

The beauty of my education as a Holistic Health Coach, is the opening of my own mind and my true self. There are constant questions in the program that I’ve never thought about asking myself. They seem so simple, but yet I need a moment before I can answer them.

After years backpacking and exploring the world, I have discovered a few important things. We who travel go where we want to go, we stop where we want to stop and we live for the desires of that moment in that time. Place by place, with no thoughts of the future or the past really. With only our own curiosity in consideration. You could call it a quite selfish way of living but it’s truly fulfilling in its own way. I believe traveling can help you find yourself and I truly have experienced it for myself. But after living on the road for too long, you can easily lose yourself too. You see when we are arriving at a new destination, the exploring of that place is the thrill of it all. It’s all about the new food, scents, nature, people, both locals and other travelers passing by. You lose yourself in a new world and spend all your time diving into it. When you spend years constantly giving your mind new and exiting content, how will it have time and space to discover anything else? How will you be able to get to know yourself, both body and mind, when you have a constant stream from the outside world?

This isn’t only an issue for those who travel, it’s for everybody. We need to take time for ourselves to learn who we are. Your authentic self isn’t something you stumble upon by mistake. It’s nothing that will be given to you or anything someone else can answer for you. And I’m not saying you should be looking for that mind blowing epiphany experience right now. No, I’m talking about those simple things that I’m sure you have never really taken the time to ask yourself. So I have a few questions for you.

Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

I encourage you to really take your time and think them trough. Maybe sit down somewhere where you feel comfortable, brew a cup of tea and take out a piece of paper and write down your answers. You might even need a few days to figure these things out.

#1 What brings you joy?
#2 What makes you happy?
#3 What do you like to do for yourself?

Think inside and outside the box, both large and small things. After you written down your answers, I want you to add them into your life. How can you bring more joy into your everyday life, how can you practice self love this week and what can you schedule in that will bring you happiness? Discovering these things about yourself might sound irrelevant but trust me, they will make a big difference.


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