Vegetarian ‘Meatballs’

GF         DF


300g mushrooms
230g black bean
80g sundried tomato
2 cloves of garlic
1 small red onion
6 fresh leaves of basil
1 tablespoon Italian mixed herbs
40g egg white
100g Gluten free bread crumbs
1/3 cup natural yeast
Black pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Chop up the mushrooms and the onion, and place in a frying pan. Cook until the vegetables got some colour.
  3.  In a processor blend together your fried mushrooms, onion, beans, sundried tomatoes, garlic, basil, Italian herbs, salt and pepper to a smooth paste.
  4. Place the paste in a bowl and add the egg whites, mix together.
  5. Next, add the bread crumbs little by little until a more firm paste.
  6. Last ingredient to add is the yeast.
  7. Time to get your hands dirty. Roll the paste into small balls and place one by one on a try covered with foil
  8. Place the try with your ‘meatballs’ in the oven for around 25-35 min. You want them to be a bit crispy on the outside and softer on the inside
  9. When cooked, take them out and let them cool of a bit. It will prevent them from sticking to much on the foil.
  10. All done! Enjoy with mash potatoes or maybe some courgette pasta


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