Berry chocolate tart

A sweet little start that is perfect for dinner parties or a weekend treat. They are simple to make and you can easily put your own twist to it. Chocolate and berries is my personally favourite, and my go to when it comes to deserts.



80g of coconut flour
30g egg white (the white from one egg)
20g coconut oil
3 tbsp. of honey
1 tbsp. vanilla extract

Chocolate sauce
100g of unpitted dates
200ml of almond milk (or any nutmilk of your liking)
4 tbsp. of raw cocoa powder
1 pinch of salt


In a pan heat up the dates and almond milk on low temperature for around 15 min, stir occasionally. Remove from heat when mixture has thickened evenly. Put to the side and let cool off before you add cocoa and salt, blend it all together to a smooth paste and leave in the fridge. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.
Mix all the ingredients for the crust together so you get a crumbly dough. Use a muffin tin and grease the bottom before you start creating your tarts. Put a small piece of dough in a cup and press up with your fingers around the edges to create a thin layered bowl. Bake in the oven for 8-12 min until a slight golden colour. When ready take them out and gently use a knife around the edges, this will make it easier to take them out when they have cooled off. Let them cool for 10 min.
Next step is to simply mash up your fresh berries and put a small amount into your tarts and top up with your chocolate sauce. Decorate with crushed almond and a fresh berry, Enjoy!

Note: You can replace the egg white with more coconut oil if you want it to b vegan friendly. The dough will be more crumbly but it will still set.

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