Homemade jam

When you want to sweeten up your breakfast or looking for something extra to your desert, jam is perfect. There are so many different flavours as well to experiment with. Normally the jam you buy at the shop is filled with sugar and perseverates which is not ideal. If you are after a ‘guilt free’ jam then give this one a try. It’s both simple and yummy!


100g mixed frozen berries
1 tbsp. chia seeds
1 tbsp. coconut flour
1 tbsp. honey
½ tbsp. vanilla
1 wedge of lemon


Putt the berries into a sauce pan and heat up on the stove on low temperature. When the berries have fully melted add the rest of the ingredients. Keep on the heat until it start to gently boil and then take off. The chia seeds and the flour will help to thicken the jam up. Take the pot off the stove, put in a glass container and let it cool off before you store it in the fridge.

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