Sweet potato pancakes

If you fancy a savoury option for Pancake Day and like sweet potatoes, then this is definitely your recipe. I tried them for the first time out at a brunch place in Shoreditch and been wanting to create my own ever since. Thought it would be tricky to make them but I was so wrong. It’s super easy!


350g sweet potato
100g rise flour
2 eggs
Pinch of salt
Cinnamon (optional)
Nutmeg (optional for savoury topping)
Dash of maple syrup (optional)


Peel and chop up the sweet potato, boil until soft. When ready, empty the water and mash them up to smooth texture. Beat up the eggs, add the flour and mix well. Add the mashed potatoes and the spices, mix it all together. Cook on low heat in a pan with coconut oil to make them not stick. Simple, easy and delicious!

Savoury: Maple syrup and crispy bacon
Sweet: Cinnamon flavoured coconut yogurt with warm mixed berries

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