Ready for a new chapter

Today is not an ordinary day. I’m trying to put feeling, emotions and thought to it and I can’t really make up my mind. Relief, sadness, regret, happiness, excitement, calmness, stress… Maybe I’ll leave it as just a blank white page until I have figured it out. As I wrote in my first blog post, I decided a few years ago that I wanted a career in health and fitness. After I finished my studies this summer I took my first step into the industry by starting a new job for a fitness studio. Even though I was very excited about this, it never felt ‘real’ to me. I’m not sure if it has to do with the fact that I’m bad at celebrating my own success, or maybe I know that it’s not my final step of reaching my true destination, or maybe it was the fact that my mind was not fully where is should be. After putting some thought into it I think I have figured out an answer that could explain it: I can’t see the brightness of the path I’ve start walking on while I’m still looking over my shoulder.

That means letting go of the past and devoting my attention to what I really want to do. So I finally quit my hospitality job and did my last shift a few days ago. For over 5 years I’ve been working for bars, pubs, restaurants, resorts etc. and as much as I have enjoyed it, it’s not my passion. By still holding on to my last hospitality job, I think I spent time and energy on the wrong thing. Now I can see how far I’ve come since I had that ‘light bulb’ moment and celebrate this small success of mine. From an idea in the middle of the night to having both my feet at the start of a new road is an amazing feeling. It’s now time to dive right into this new experience, give it all my time and enjoy every moment of it. I know my true passion will be clear in time and until then, I’m still doing what I love.

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