Energy balls with blueberry & cocoa

These are perfect for a snack or if you fancy something sweet but still want to stay healthy. I’ve been trying to come up with a good base for a long time and think I finally nailed it!⠀⠀

• 200g dates⠀⠀
• 150g of almonds ⠀⠀
• 50g of oats⠀⠀
• Handful of blueberries ⠀⠀
• 1 tbs of raw cocoa powder ⠀⠀
• 1 tbs melted coconut oil ⠀⠀
If you want it sweeter add coconut nectar. ⠀⠀
Blend together oat and almonds into a powder and put in a bowl. Add the cocoa powder and steer it together.⠀⠀
Second step is to blend the dates to a smoothie paste, add the coconut oil to help the mixture to blend better. Add the blueberries and keep blending. ⠀⠀
Put in a seperate bowl and get ready to get your hands messy! Add the dry ingredients slowly while mixing it all together. Add water if needed, a little bit at the time. ⠀⠀
Roll into small balls and let them set in the fridge. Done! ⠀⠀

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