Ginger & lemon shots

It is the end of September and the temperature is shifting. One second it is cold and next it is warm again. Before we get used to the weather changes, most of us catch a cold. Staying healthy and active helps you immune system to stay strong but helping it out a bit extra won’t hurt you! I like to add a simple shot to my morning routine to boost my immune system.

Ginger has been known for many years to be anti-inflammatory and it also boost your digestion. Lemon is packed with vitamin C, which helps your immune system, and it has antioxidant properties that can help reducing inflammatory illnesses. Plus it also support digestion. Beetroots contains betaine which helps fight inflammation. It also contains vitamin A, B6 and C to just mention a few.


  • 3 lemons
  • 150g ginger
  • Beetroots powder or fresh beetroots
  • 1 tsp of honey (optional)

Add 1L of water in a pot and put to boil. Cut up the ginger in around 1cm pieces and 2 wedges of lemon, add to the water. Put a lid on and let it boil for around 30-40 min. When the time has gone, take it off the stove and squeeze in the rest of the lemons. Add 2 big spoons of beetroots powder to the water and stir. If you are using fresh beetroots then chopped 1-2 up and add to the boiling mix half way through. Separate the water from the ingredients that has been boiled and poor into glass bottles. Take a big shot every morning and hopefully you stay safe from the flu! You can leave the beetroots out and stay with ginger and lemons for good effects still. Store in the fridge for up to a week.

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